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Sköldkörtel P-TSH

Gift card

Could a gift for a loved one be about well-being? Through laboratory packages, your loved one will gain knowledge about their own health condition. A Vital gift card is an excellent gift idea for someone who is interested in taking even better care of their health.

Antal presentkort

Balanced physical health and healthy habits make your day-to-day life easier, give you more energy for exercise and prevent illnesses!

A Vital gift card

You choose the amount for the gift card yourself and it can be used when ordering any laboratory package.

You can choose to forward the gift card from your email or send it directly to the desired recipient via email that you provide when ordering.

The gift card is valid for one year from the date of purchase and is not personal.

Note: It is not possible to visit a sampling site directly. You must first place an order with the gift card here at

Using the gift card

The recipient of the gift card selects a laboratory package from Vital’s website and adds it to the cart. The code is entered under ‘use discount code,’ and the amount is deducted from the total.

Easy-to-read results report

We want to help you have more energy and feel better, not to exhaust you with complicated reports.

You will get an easy-to-read report of your results. The report shows all the results as a simple bar graph. You can easily see if your results fall within the reference values.

You will also learn what the values mean and how they can be affected with lifestyle choices, for example.

Why Vital?

Your health is in your hands

  • Gives you knowledge and control over your health
  • Track your values as they evolve over time
  • Simple and clear results within a few days
  • No waiting times for referrals from doctors
  • For both individuals and businesses
  • Laboratory packages designed by experienced doctors
  • All results are reviewed by doctors
  • We collaborate with over 100 accredited laboratories in Sweden, over 70 in Stockholm
  • The blood test takes only a few minutes
  • First test results usually available within a few hours



150 000

tests analyzed

Customer satisfaction


Ratings on Google

4,8 / 5

Varför Vital?

Din hälsa i dina händer

  • Ger dig kunskap och kontroll över din hälsa

  • Följ dina värden hur de utvecklas över tid

  • Enkla och tydliga resultat inom några dagar

  • Inga väntetider på remiss från läkare för att beställa hälsokontroll/enskilda tester

  • För både privatpersoner och företag

  • Hälsokontroller framtagna av erfarna läkare

  • Läkare granskar alla resultat

  • Vi samarbetar med över 100 ackrediterade lab i Sverige, över 70 i Stockholm

  • Första provsvaren oftast inom några timmar

  • Blodprovet tar bara några minuter



150 000

tester analyserade



Betyg på Google

4,8 / 5

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