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ALP (alkaline phosphatase) is an enzyme found in liver cells

ALP is the abbreviation for the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, which is primarily found in the liver, bile ducts, and bones. It is therefore common to measure ALP when examining the health of the liver, associated bile ducts, and skeleton.

Brief about ALP (alkaline phosphatase)

  • ALP is an enzyme primarily found in the liver, bile ducts, and bones.
  • ALP tests are used to examine the health of the liver, bile ducts, and skeleton.
  • A high ALP value can indicate various disease processes in the liver, bile ducts, or skeleton.

What is ALP (alkaline phosphatase)?

ALP is the abbreviation for the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, primarily found in the liver cells adjacent to the bile ducts and in cells involved in bone formation.

Levels of ALP are therefore affected by disturbances in liver and associated bile ducts function as well as various disease processes in the skeleton. ALP is tested when there is suspicion of liver and bile duct diseases and to evaluate skeletal health. It is particularly common to test ALP when gallstones are suspected.

ALP is one of the standard tests used when examining liver health. ALP levels are measured with a simple blood test.

The reference values for ALP

Reference values for ALP are:

For adults: 0.70 – 1.9 µkat/L

Reference values may vary depending on where the analysis is performed, and which analysis method is used.

What does a high ALP value mean?

Elevated values may be due to:

What does a low ALP value mean?

A low ALP value is what is expected in a healthy person. In cases of severe malnutrition, especially deficiencies in zinc and magnesium, low levels may occur. Some rare inherited diseases also result in low values.

Analysis of ALP (alkaline phosphatase)

ALP as a single test does not provide much information about what specifically is wrong; the result is always combined with other liver tests. ALAT levels are often compared because that test is more elevated by diseases in the liver itself, while ALP levels are more elevated by diseases of the bile ducts.

One can also compare GT levels to determine if a high ALP is due to skeletal or liver and bile duct influence.

In certain conditions, one can deduce what is wrong by combining test results and symptoms, while in others, more specific tests are needed to know for sure. Some individuals also have elevated ALP without any detectable cause or impact on health.

How can I affect my ALP value?

The ALP value itself is not directly related to health but is used to indicate various disease states. A high ALP value in itself is not dangerous; however, the high value is often due to disease states that negatively affect health. These conditions are usually beyond one’s control.

GT stands for glutamyltransferase, an enzyme that is primarily found in the cells of the liver.
Information Article

GT is a liver enzyme that describes the health of the liver

GT is one of the standard tests used to assess the health of the liver and bile ducts, especially when there is suspicion of alcohol-related health issues. More GT is produced by liver cells when they are under stress, such as in liver diseases or heavy alcohol consumption.

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