Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells’ haemoglobin. In addition, it acts as a catalyst in many enzyme reactions.

Create your own laboratory package
Here you can customise your own laboratory package by adding individual tests.
You can add individual tests to the pre-made laboratory packages or design your own set of tests.
You can limit the tests by selecting one or more categories
Glucose is an indicator of the blood sugar level. Blood sugar affects general well-being and energy levels, muscle and brain function and the feeling of hunger.
Potassium is an essential salt for the body. It regulates, among other things, the body’s fluid balance.
The aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) test measures liver function and damage.
A PSA blood test gives you the opportunity to gain insight into your own PSA level. It can provide you with the information to detect and treat prostate cancer at an early stage. We offer this especially to men over 40.
T4, or thyroxine, is a thyroid hormone and its level indicates the activity of the thyroid gland.
TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. TSH is tested when examining thyroid function.
Calcium is a mineral whose needs vary with age. Sufficient levels of calcium in the blood are essential for good bone strength, well-functioning muscles, and the nervous system.
Cystatin-C is a good measure of kidney function, which allows for the detection of impaired kidney function even before the creatinine level begins to rise.
Folate, or folic acid, is a group B vitamin obtained from food. It is an essential nutrient for humans.
GT is one of the standard tests for examining the health of the liver and bile ducts, especially when there is suspicion of alcohol-related health issues.
ALP is the abbreviation for the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, which is primarily found in the liver, bile ducts, and bones. Therefore, it is common to measure ALP when examining the health of the liver, the associated bile ducts, and the skeleton.
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a carrier protein that helps transport LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, as well as other harmful fat molecules in the blood.
Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) is a carrier protein that helps to transport HDL cholesterol, also called the good cholesterol.
Free T3 (Triiodothyronine) is an active thyroid hormone. Free T3 is usually measured in addition to TSH and Free T4 to diagnose any potential thyroid disorder.
Blood count is a series of tests that measure for example the hemoglobin level in the blood. All of Vital’s laboratory packages include blood count.
Ferritin is a form of iron absorption and storage. It is a good measure of the body’s iron stores, and low ferritin content is a sign of iron deficiency.
Creatinine is measured to determine or monitor kidney function. The creatinine value increases if its excretion in the kidneys is impaired.
The hemoglobin A1C test B-HbA1c shows your average blood glucose levels over the previous 2–8 weeks. Blood glucose affects general well-being and energy levels, muscle and brain function and the feeling of hunger.
Sodium is one of the most important salts in the body. It is essential for life, being a key substance in maintaining the membrane tension of all cells.
The LDL cholesterol level shows the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Elevated cholesterol increases the risk of atherosclerosis.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) is an indicator of the well-being of the liver and reacts, for example, to long-term alcohol use and fatty liver disease caused by excess weight.
The test shows the amount of good HDL cholesterol in the blood. Good cholesterol has been linked to a lower risk of arterial disease in studies.
The triglyceride level reflects the functioning of the body’s energy metabolism and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Elevated cholesterol increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is important to take elevated cholesterol seriously.
Albumin is produced in the liver and has two important functions – to regulate the body’s fluid levels and to transport essential nutrients to the body’s tissues.
Vitamin B12 is needed especially for the functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin D is considered to be one of the important health factors that we can personally influence. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for vital human functions and should be ingested in sufficient quantities.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body. It is needed for the functioning of the nervous system and several enzymes.
Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in men. It affects, for example, sex drive and mood. The test measures the amount of total testosterone.
If an inflammatory disease is suspected, a high-sensitivity CRP test is usually carried out.
Vital laboratory package Total Plus includes 37 values and is an even more comprehensive health check for those who seek a deeper insight into their body’s well-being and greater opportunities to make better choices to improve their health.
Vital laboratory package Total includes 29 values and is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body.
Urate (uric acid) is a waste product in the body. A high concentration of urate can cause crystal formation in joints, which in turn can lead to gout.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands and has several important functions. For example, cortisol regulates blood flow, sleep, and metabolism.
Bilirubin is a breakdown product that is produced when the hemoglobin in red blood cells is broken down and is measured to check the health of your liver.
Homocysteine is an amino acid that is measured when there is a suspicion of a deficiency in vitamin B12, B6, and vitamin B9 (folate).
Vital laboratory package Basic includes 21 values that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol levels, blood glucose, ferritin and studies of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.
Urea is a waste product that is formed when the body breaks down amino acids and proteins. By analyzing urea, one can get an understanding of kidney function.
Vital laboratory package Woman 50+ includes 39 values and provides senior women with a broad overview of their health. Vital’s doctors have developed this laboratory package based on some of the most important values that affect age-related lifestyle diseases, as well as values that are interesting to monitor specifically for you as a woman over 50 years old.
Phosphate is the second most common mineral in the body and is vital for humans. Phosphate participates in the cells’ energy production, regulation of the acid-base balance in the body, and is a part of the structure of the cell membrane.
Chloride (chloride ion Cl-) is an electrolyte just like potassium and sodium. Together with other electrolytes, chloride acts to ensure the body’s cells function well and for the regulation of the body’s fluid and salt balance through the kidneys.
Laboratory package Iron deficiency Total includes 12 values that provide insight into your iron levels, iron stores, and whether you suffer from any potential anemia.
Laboratory package Iron deficiency Basic includes 10 values that provide you with insight into your iron levels.
Vital laboratory package Sport Man includes 30 values that indicate what changes you can make in your lifestyle habits to improve your fitness and endurance.
Vital laboratory package Sport Woman includes 31 values that indicate what changes you can make in your lifestyle habits to improve your fitness and endurance.
The Vital laboratory package Great start includes 37 values and is a comprehensive health check that provides you with a broad overview of your health.
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