Laboratory package Iron deficiency Basic includes 10 values that provide you with insight into your iron levels.

Vitamins and minerals
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Laboratory package Iron deficiency Total includes 12 values that provide insight into your iron levels, iron stores, and whether you suffer from any potential anemia.
Ferritin is a form of iron absorption and storage. It is a good measure of the body’s iron stores, and low ferritin content is a sign of iron deficiency.
Homocysteine is an amino acid that is measured when there is a suspicion of a deficiency in vitamin B12, B6, and vitamin B9 (folate).
Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells’ haemoglobin. In addition, it acts as a catalyst in many enzyme reactions.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body. It is needed for the functioning of the nervous system and several enzymes.
Folate, or folic acid, is a group B vitamin obtained from food. It is an essential nutrient for humans.
Vitamin B12 is needed especially for the functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin D is considered to be one of the important health factors that we can personally influence. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for vital human functions and should be ingested in sufficient quantities.