How is MS diagnosed?
MS (multiple sclerosis) is usually diagnosed through neurological examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, and sometimes also functional tests of nerve pathways.
MS (multiple sclerosis) is usually diagnosed through neurological examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, and sometimes also functional tests of nerve pathways.
Testosterone affects in many ways, such as promoting the increase of muscle mass and bone strength, supporting sexual function, and influencing mood and energy levels.
The effects of alcohol can last from a few hours to several hours. The duration of the effects depends on the amount of alcohol consumed,
The risk of gestational diabetes can be reduced with healthy lifestyle choices, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise.
The diagnosis of asthma is based on the description of symptoms, a clinical examination by a doctor, and tests measuring lung function, such as spirometry tests.
Stress can affect the body in many different ways, such as by increasing heart rate, raising blood pressure, and weakening the immune system.
The likelihood of pregnancy is very low during menstruation and immediately afterward, as the egg has not yet matured. However, since the timing of ovulation can vary,
Ferritin is measured with a blood test taken from a vein. The test measures the body's iron stores and is used to assess iron deficiency or iron overload.
Helicobacter pylori infection is usually diagnosed with a breath test, blood test, stool test, or a tissue sample taken during a gastroscopy.
Treatment for low blood pressure may include adequate hydration and moderate increase in salt intake. Regular, moderate exercise and a diet that includes
Kidney injuries can occur due to long-term high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, certain medications, or toxic substances such as heavy metals.
Getting a testosterone prescription requires a visit to the doctor, where necessary examinations and blood tests are conducted. The doctor assesses the need