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Instructions for sample collection 

Instructions for sample collection 

Preparing for a blood test – instructions before sample collection. It is important to prepare for your blood tests correctly so that the results will be reliable and useful.

We recommend using the same laboratory if you want to compare results over time. This is because the reference values ​​can differ between different laboratories (Karolinska, Synlab and Unilabs).

General instructions

  • Do not take blood samples if you are ill – wait until you are fully recovered
  • Dietary supplements should be avoided for two days before sampling
  • Antibiotics can affect your blood values and we therefore recommend not to take the sample during and 2 weeks after finishing the antibiotic treatment
  • Rest about 15 minutes before the test

Specific instructions per laboratory package

For laboratory packages Sport man, Sport woman, Premium Man and Man 50+

  • Samples should be taken before 10:00 in the morning
  • Fasting – You should not eat or drink anything (except water) 10 hours before sampling
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and snuff 10 hours before sampling
  • Avoid hard exercise the day before the test

For laboratory packages Basic, Total, Total plus and Woman 50+

  • Samples can be taken at any time of the day
  • Fasting – You should not eat or drink anything (except water) 10 hours before sampling
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and snuff 10 hours before sampling
  • Avoid hard exercise the day before the test

For laboratory packages Iron deficiency basic, Iron deficiency total

  • Samples should be taken before 10:00 in the morning

For individual tests, we refer you to the respective product page, you will find all individual tests here and search for the specific test you need.

Sampling locations

Here you will find a list of all sampling locations. Most of them offer drop-in services, but in some cases you may need to make an appointment.

The only thing you need to bring with you is a valid ID.

After placing your order, your referral is valid for three months, so make sure you get your blood test within three months of ordering.



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