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How does stress affect menstruation?

Stress can affect the menstrual cycle in many ways. It can cause delays, irregularities, or even temporary cessation of menstruation. Stress affects the function of the hypothalamus,


How does stress manifest?

Stress can manifest in many ways, such as constant worry, irritability, headaches, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating. Physical symptoms can also include muscle tension, palpitations,


How does stress occur?

Stress occurs when a person feels they cannot meet demands or expectations. This can be due to external pressures, such as work or family life demands,


How does stress affect fertility?

Stress can affect fertility by impairing hormonal function and causing changes in the menstrual cycle. Stress can also reduce sexual desire, thereby affecting fertility.


How to relieve stress?

Stress can be relieved in many ways, such as through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, and relaxation exercises.

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